Skull and Bones: How to Get Silver Fast (Easy Method) – A Simple Guide

Skull and Bones: How to Get Silver Fast (Easy Method) – A Simple Guide

Skull and Bones, the action-packed naval warfare game developed by Ubisoft, offers players an immersive experience in the golden age of piracy. As you navigate the treacherous waters of the Caribbean, building your fleet and amassing wealth are essential to dominating the seas. In this guide, we’ll dive into an easy method to acquire silver quickly, allowing you to upgrade your ships, purchase powerful equipment, and expand your pirate empire.

First and foremost, a big thanks to Ubisoft for providing access to Skull and Bones. With their support, we can share this efficient method to help players progress in the game. So, if you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to MMOexp for more gaming tips and tricks.

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter – how to earn Skull and Bones silver fast.


To execute this method effectively, you’ll need a level three crowbar. This tool is essential for unlocking the riches hidden within the shipwrecks scattered across the Caribbean.

The Method:

  1. Location, Location, Location: Head to a specific location on the map where multiple shipwrecks are clustered together. These shipwrecks hold valuable loot waiting to be plundered.
  2. Plunder the Shipwrecks: Upon arrival at the designated location, use your crowbar to open each shipwreck. Each wreck contains a stash of silver, ranging from 200 to 400 units. With a total of 11 shipwrecks in the area, you stand to collect a substantial amount of silver in a short period.
  3. Exit and Rejoin: Once you’ve looted all the shipwrecks in the area, exit to the main menu. From there, select “Continue” to spawn back into the game. By doing so, you’ll re-enter the game in a new server instance, where the shipwrecks will have reset, ready to be plundered once again.
  4. Rinse and Repeat: Take advantage of the respawned shipwrecks by repeating the process. Continuously loot the wrecks, exit the main menu, and rejoin the game to maximize your silver earnings. As long as no other players have already looted the wrecks in your new server instance, you can repeat this cycle indefinitely.

By following this method diligently, you can earn up to 4,000 silver every few minutes, significantly accelerating your wealth accumulation in Skull and Bones.


And there you have it – a simple yet effective strategy for acquiring silver fast in Skull and Bones. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your ships, purchase new gear, or expand your pirate crew, having a substantial amount of silver at your disposal is crucial for success in the game.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to drop a comment below, and I’ll do my best to help you out. Happy sailing, fellow pirates, and may the winds always be in your favor as you navigate the perilous waters of Skull and Bones!